The Bogginfreaks…
The Bogginfreaks website was created in 1998 and was the most popular off-roading website in Alberta at the time. While we showcased the images and fun times that were had by anyone we came across out there in the woods, we also focused on stewardship in reclamation and taking care of the areas we wheeled in. We participated, encouraged, and sponsored organised cleanups (held by the AURS at the time) and always stayed on the trails and within the off-road areas that were provided by the Province at the time. We, as well as a few of our friends were even invited to the 4 Wheeler Magazine Top Truck Challenges they use to run. (Do they still run these?)
On this site, you’ll see the very beginning of the White Knight Chevy (Robin and Theresa), Wolf359 Landcruiser (Tim) and our 79 Bronco we just called “The Bogger”. Over the years since, I… and pretty much everyone else that we use to wheel with (Tim, Robin& Theresa etc) have all sold our rigs and moved on.
I hope this archive of the old days back in the woods can bring some smiles to your faces! – Mike (AKA Deejay)